We had a unique opportunity to bring together neighbors, friends, families, and co-workers, to engage in political discourse, to select Delegates and Alternates for our County Convention on March 9th, and to vote in the straw poll. The straw poll results are your voice to the local, state, and national levels. These results are also important feedback for the candidates, an indicator of how well they are reaching out to the voters.
This year's Caucus participation was up over the last few election cycles despite the snow and ice storms that postponed our original date.
Thank you to everyone who participated in shaping our future.
Klickitat County straw poll results for President:
Klickitat County straw poll results for Governor:
Klickitat County straw poll results for CD04 Representative:
Klickitat County straw poll results for US Senate:
*These results are based on the total number of votes in each race. Not all voters voted in every race due to lack of information or exposure to the Candidates. Overall vote totals were the highest for the President, then for CD04 Representative, Governor, and finally US Senate. Voters should do their research, and the KCR will continue to invite candidates to our County to engage with our voters.
Do you agree or disagree with the results? The Klickitat County Republican County Convention is March 9th, 10 am at the Lyle Lion's Club. We will be holding another straw poll and electing Delegates to the WA State Convention April 19-20th in Spokane. The Delegates need to hear from you.
It is a new year! Please join or renew your membership at www.KlickitatCountyRepublicans.org.
$25 for a single, $30 for a couple.
$500+ donation is VIP status and includes 2 tickets to our annual Lincoln Day Dinner.
Donations stay local!
The KCR had used the last 4 years to donate to local candidates, to invest in better outreach, and to sponsor local events to include an essay contest for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Mark your Calendars! The Annual Lincoln Day Dinner is Saturday, April 13th at the Society Hotel in Bingen. We are working hard to have dynamic Speakers, to include State level candidates.
Do you have an item to donate to the Silent Auction? Email us at info@klickitatcountyrepublicans.org