Welcome to the 2024 Election Cycle! To say that we are in the midst of history is an understatement. What will our County, our State, and our Nation look like in December? I do not know. But what I do know is that it is not up to ME to make the changes we need; it is up to WE THE PEOPLE to make those changes.
I cannot stress this message enough. We have a year full of community events and opportunities to meet candidates, but YOU MUST come out and be a part of the community AND YOU MUST VOTE. Keep your eyes and ears open as the year progresses. We can and will help you get your ballot to the Auditor's office this year.
CONGRATULATIONS to Shane Cagle who was elected as our new State Committeeman at our last KCR Central Committee meeting. Shane has served in many roles with the KCR including Treasurer and Vice Chairman, and we look forward to him stepping into this new role. He is an analytical thinker and brings an objective point of view in even the most contentious situations. Thank you, Shane!
We also want to thank Matthew Langdon for his past several years of being an active part of the KCR and serving as our State Committeeman, representing Klickitat County at the WA State GOP meetings and bringing updates back to us locally. Last month, Matthew resigned due to other obligations. We will miss Matthew's ability to update us on any race anywhere in the country; a true gift.

ANNOUNCING OUR "WE THE PEOPLE" Essay and Creative Contest
We had such a great response to last year's contest, we are thrilled to offer it again.
You have the option to write an essay or produce creative content based on this year's theme of "We the People." What does that mean to you? How does that inspire you?
Are you tired of adults telling you what to think? This is your opportunity to let us know what is on your mind with an opportunity to win a cash award and to have your submission displayed at our Lincoln Day Dinner on April 13th.

KCR County Convention: all Elephants are welcome

Saturday, March 9th, 10am-2 pm.
Our Precinct Delegates, Alternates, elected officials, candidates, and guest speakers will come together at the Lyle Lions Club in order to elect Delegates and Alternates to represent the Klickitat County grassroots voters at the State Convention in April.
In addition we will pass our Platform (guiding principles and values for the next 4 years), and we will have a hot lunch catered by Beneventi's.
Anyone who identifies as Repbulican is welcome to join us.
Lincoln Day Dinner
Saturday, April 13th
Goldendale Grange
Purchase tickets online at www.klickitatcountyrepublicans.org
The Events Committee has an epic event planned. More details coming soon!
Using cars as weapons? Yes, all we can do is watch. We have to change this in the state of WA. Let's pass Initiative 2113 this year!
WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh addresses immigration