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Elephant Update: August


Central Committee Meeting

Tuesday, August 10th, 6-8 pm

Dallesport Community Center

Guest Speaker: Heidi St. John

Not only is Heidi running for Congress, she is also an accomplished National Author, Speaker, and Podcast-er. Heidi will bring her passion for politics and protecting our schoolchildren to the meeting to give us insight into CRT and the many other topics schools are presenting to our children.




To everyone who attended our Lincoln Day Picnic in July in Glenwood, we cannot thank you enough for the support and enthusiasm. Our Events Committee, headed by Fran Songer and Sharon Aleckson, put together a great event. We had top numbers (maybe record-breaking) in both attendance and donations. The money raised during this picnic will be used to support great Republicans running for office.


As the school year is about to begin, mask mandates for all school children are mandatory. The following link will take you to WA State Superintendent Reykdal’s message to the schools.

The letter is 1.5 pages long. Please read it. It is directive and states that “Boards or districts that intentionally disobey, dismiss, or shun an explicit law, including a Governor’s executive order, which has the power of law, will see an immediate halt to their basic education apportionment, and their federal funds that come through OSPI.”

This is questionably legal at best. My eighth grade daughter said “wow, it sounds like they are holding us hostage for a ransom.”

If you can do anything this month, attend at least one school board meeting. Despite this threat from above, it is VITAL that your local school board hear your voice.





Once a month, we like to publish an excerpt from the Klickitat County Republicans Platform, our values and guiding principles. This month we are featuring:


We support:

  1. Local school board and PTA control of education.

  2. Freedom of choice for schooling, including vouchers.

  3. Require the state legislature fully fund basic public education.

  4. Restricting diversion of public education funds.

  5. Abolishing the Federal Department of Education.

  6. Focus education on creating independent adults iva vocational, technical and academic programs.

  7. Freedom of all speech on campus.

  8. Opposition to the sexaul indoctrination in our public schools.

  9. Enhanced school security, including qualified armed citizens.



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