New Challenges Ahead, Putting Klickitat County First
Well, where to start?
Representative Jaime Herrera-Butler threw us all for a loop with her vote to impeach President Trump.Your response to her actions was clear. We passed on your anger and frustration in person to the Washington State Republican Party (WSRP). The WSRP passed a Resolution 111-2 to condemn her actions. The Resolution had the unanimous support of the KCR Central Committee. Please be assured that she has heard loud and clear our displeasure. We voted her in; we must now focus our efforts on voting for her replacement.
A new administration is now in the White House. The KCR respects the Office of the President.
This is a great place to interject with our Platform. The KCR 2020 Platform is an overview of our principles and beliefs as Republicans in our County. It begins with a Preamble, a clear and concise overview of the values of the KCR. We have had many questions about what Republicans believe in, this should help:
There are 18 principles in our Platform. This month we are highlighting the Principle of BEHAVIOR. We have chosen this Principle because it is applicable to many topics and issues of great concern today:
We support
1)  Integrity, courtesy, and transparency at all levels of government, and in all political campaigns; working together, being organized, planning ahead in a timely manner; reaching out to our citizens, encouraging each other to make a difference.
2)  Requesting elected officials at all levels, from PCOs through local, state and federal levels, be willing to listen to the citizens and be open to suggestions for potential change which will be of benefit to their constituency.
3) Â Congressional cooperation
4) Â Stopping our over-involvement in foreign affairs
5) Â Requiring public office holders and public employees have no exemption to laws and regulations.
6) Â Civil discourse between candidates, constituents and the public
Feel free to contact us at info@klickitatcountyrepublicans.org with questions or insight or perspective.
Every month, we will be introducing you to the Republican Leadership in and around our County. This month we are featuring:

Matthew Langdon, KCR State Committee Man
I’m an IT technician living and working in White Salmon. I’m 25 years old and have lived here in Klickitat County most of my life; my family moved to the area from the Tri-Cities in 2001. I have been actively involved with the local Republican party since 2018, after I was initially inspired to get involved in the political arena following the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. I’m currently studying for a Bachelor’s in Political Science online while working, and I hope to someday take an active part in the legislation of this country to keep it on a Constitutional path. I am honored to take part in standing up for Republican voters in my county and represent them at the WSRP Central Committee!
*Matthew was elected as an Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 2020. This is a competitive state-wide process, and we are proud of Matthew’s accomplishment. Due to COVID, the RNC was virtual.

Susan Kelsey, KCR State Committee Woman
My interest in politics began when I first voted at the age of 18. One of my favorite Presidents was Ronald Reagan with his staunch support of our Constitution and Conservative views, which launched me in the Republican Party. Currently, I serve as the State Committee Woman. I have also served as the Goldendale PCO and the Vice-Chair of the KCR. Fun fact: I have moved over 25 times in my life.
Wouldn’t you love to join us? The KCR is seeking good candidates to represent their Precincts. Where do you live? Contact us and let us know; we may have seat open for you in the KCR Central Committee!
Email: info@klickitatcountyrepublicans.org
Of great interest:
Klickitat County Commissioners:
The County Commissioners meet EVERY TUESDAY by Zoom. The afternoon session beginning at 1 pm allows for public comments and new business. If you are available to participate, listen, or comment, please visit the County Commissioners link for the Zoom information and the Agenda. About 50 people have been attending these meetings. Their voices are being heard. Please join and have your voice heard, too.
Agenda for January 29th meeting: http://klickitatcounty.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_01262021-532
Under Canvas (Husum/BZ) (update compliments of the Trout Lake Newsletter)
A glamping project (luxury camping at a cost of $350 – $450 per night) with a maximum of 95 tent sites, has been proposed for a property on the White Salmon River north of Husum. You can see a map of the location here: https://friendsofthewhitesalmon.org/under-canvas/
The tents will be standard safari-style structures and deluxe tents with en suite bathrooms. Tents will be equipped with wood-burning stoves for heat but will not be wired for electricity or internet. There will be a central lobby (4500 square foot pad) including kitchen and dining area for guests, and two communal bathroom facilities. There will be laundry facilities and 125 parking spaces, along with two fire pits. Volleyball, yoga deck and an event platform will be on site, but the expectation is that most guests will spend their daytimes recreating away from the site.
The project requires a Conditional Use Permit, a Recreational Park permit, and a Forest Practices Permit (because of the approximately 27 acres being removed from timber use). You can find all documents on the Klickitat County Planning Department website https://www.klickitatcounty.org/1261/Under-Canvas
The County is now accepting comments on their second draft of an environmental evaluation. Comments are due on Friday January 22, 2021 before 5:00 PM. Email your comments to planning@klickitatcounty.org
This will be a long process with many steps.  Updates will be available on the Friends of the White Salmon River website.  https://friendsofthewhitesalmon.org/under-canvas/
Trout Lake School Board:
For anyone interested in serving on the Trout Lake School board, applications are now available on the school website or in the office. The deadline for applying is Jan. 25th. The board will be filling the position recently vacated after the resignation of longtime member Carl Allaway. A big thank you to Carl for his 36 years of service!
Are we missing an event or issue of great importance? Probably! There is A LOT going on in our County. Please email us at info@klickitatcountyrepublicans.org with updates. We need your input.
The WA State Legislature is underway at a dizzying pace. I will post a Legislative Update separately due to the volume of information. Expect to see updates often to keep you in the loop. Please support Representatives Gina Mosbrucker and Chris Corry, and Senator Curtis King as they continue to sprint during this marathon.