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Elephants Run...for office

Seen around Hood River last week...

Republicans work hard. We expect our elected officials to represent us. This leads to a condition I call "elect and forget." We elect our officials and then go off on our daily lives of earning a living and raising our kids, and then we wake up one day to find out that we did not hold our elected officials accountable. And we are surprised at the carnage.

The time to change that is NOW. White Salmon School District has a $3 million shortfall...and the White Salmon High School students' test scores are abysmal. Only 36% of our high schoolers are meeting the MINIMUM academic standards in Math. English and Language Arts, and Science hover around 42% meeting the MINIMUM standard. This would lead a reasonable person to believe then that only 36% of our High School Seniors should be graduating.

But I suspect that they are all graduating. Sending them out into the work world with less than minimum standards to find employment, join the military, or to attend college or university is a travesty; we have failed them.

We have failed them by not paying attention, we have failed them by not holding the School Board accountable to their very own statement that "The directors play a crucial role in maintaining the standards of educational excellence for the community and know the importance of keeping the community informed about activities of the Board and of the District schools." If this is excellence...

If any of this concerns you, please consider running for one of the races in our county. This link will give you the list of current offices open for election (make sure you have chosen 2023 in the drop down menu for the correct list:

Approximately 80% of these offices went uncontested in 2021.

If you cannot commit to running for an office at this time, please make it a priority to NOT "elect and forget." Check the schedule for meetings for the City Council, School Boards, Libraries, etc and show up every now and then, dial in via zoom. You don't have to say anything, just be present. Listen. You will know if and when you need to speak up, to ask the questions so that our elected officials know they represent YOU.

The deadline to file to run for office is THIS FRIDAY, MAY 19th at 4:30 pm (online) or 5 pm (in person at the Auditor's office)

Tickets are selling FAST for our Lincoln Day Dinner on June 3rd at The Society Hotel in Bingen.
Doors open at 4:30, dinner at 5.

Meet Gubernatorial candidates Semi Bird and Laurel Wheat-Khan, and OSPI candidate Brad Klippert.

We have raffle tickets for Coastal Ranch Supply gift cards ($5/ticket or 5 for 20), AND for a Smith and Wesson 9mm (must be 21) ($25/ticket or 5 for $100).

Our Silent Auction includes vacation packages, gift baskets, AND a gift certificate for a Tandem Rail Bike Ride on the Mt. Hood Railroad. If that does not excite you, then this will: the DESSERT DASH. No one can resist.

Be a part of the FUN in this FUNDRAISER.


Purchase online at


For great merch, click on the button below to visit our Bonfire store!

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