Legislative Update and more...
Where to start? I must admit the pace and number of Bills, their process, hearings, etc, etc can be very overwhelming. Below are a few great resources to quickly sort through what is important to you and how to comment in writing or in person.
Bill status Dashboard published daily by the Family Policy Institute: https://www.quorum.us/dashboard/external/UKMsivsWIKHHzEsPHwoL/?vcrmeid=VvbjasM9kSQSCDuV9UXgw&vcrmiid=r4Nc0VpRxUeJ6tHWEavN2w
Do you know how to work with a team to stop bad legislation?
Do you understand the most effective action to take at each step in the lawmaking process?
Do you know how to promote good legislation?
Would you like to have a more positive relationship with your legislators?
This site does request that you sign-up, but it is FREE to use. Exceptional information for anyone who wants to learn more about how to have their voice heard in Olympia.
Judy Billings sends out multiple, very easy to follow updates on specific Bills and the actions that you can take from your own home. The email lists the Bill, the action that you can take to submit your opinion to the Legislators, and the final paragraph is normally an excellent summary of the Bill so you can find out the details in a few short sentences.
Please email her at judybillings90@gmail.com to join her mailing list.
Below is an email that she sent our yesterday:
Please take a few minutes to OPPOSE this BAD anti-gun bill by February 8, 3 pm! It has a hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations. You may also sign up to testify via zoom or in writing, by 3 pm, February 8 . Links below. NAME/NUMBER OF BILL: HB 1143 Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms. Requested by the governor. SEE BELOW FOR A SUMMARY OF THE BILL. Click HERE https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=House&mId=30673&aId=151161&caId=21350&tId=3 to state your OPPOSITION. This link will take you to a Committee Sign In page. This will not sign you up to testify. On the pull down menu, enter your position as CON. Put in your first name, last name and email address. You are not required to write in anything under "Organization," unless you are testifying on behalf of a group. Putting in your address is optional, but you must include your city, state, zip and phone number. Click the box to prove you're not a robot, then "Submit Registration." And you're done. PLEASE PASS THIS EMAIL ON TO LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS. --AND/OR GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR CONTACTS AND RECORD THEIR POSITION TOO. YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONE COMMENT PER EMAIL ADDRESS! NOR ARE WE LIMITED TO REGISTERED VOTERS; ANY CITIZEN MAY PARTICIPATE OR HAVE THEIR NAME INPUT. If you can submit written testimony or testify via zoom, that carries more weight. You must sign up by 3 pm February 8 to testify in writing or remotely with the committee when it meets at 4 pm. Sign in to submit written testimony HERE https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=House&mId=30673&aId=151161&caId=21350&tId=4. Enter your position (CON), First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number. Then enter your written testimony, and click the box to show you are not a robot. Then Submit your Registration. You may use the paragraph below. Even better, sign up to testify remotely by zoom HERE https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=House&mId=30673&aId=151161&caId=21350&tId=2. Enter your position (CON), "No" to testifying as a panel, enter your First and Last Name, email address, city, state, zip and phone number. Click that you are not a robot and Submit Registration. Summary of the bill: This bill puts more restrictions on the purchase or transfer of firearms. It prohibits a dealer from transferring a firearm to a purchaser without a valid permit, or a background check. It brings about more requirements for issuing the permit, and more record keeping for firearms transfers. Since this bill is being heard in the appropriations committee, written and zoom testifying should focus on financial aspects of the bill. The fiscal note shows estimated operating expenditures for this bill for fiscal years 2023-2079 is more than $13 million.
Next Klickitat County Republicans Central Committee Meeting: February 14th, 6-8 pm at the Dallesport Community Center.
Guest Speaker: Commissioner Lori Zoller
Mark your Calendar!
March 4th, Legislative Update, Centerville Grange (locations and times coming soon!)
March 14th, KCR meeting, Guest Speaker: Joe Kent, Maximizing Ballot Returns
April 11th, KCR Meeting, Guest Speaker: Jana Hughes, Parents’ Rights in Education, Options to Public Schooling
June 3rd, Lincoln Day Dinner: AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL. Hosted by Ayutlense Mexican Restaurant, Bingen. Guest Speakers: Gubernatorial Candidates Semi Bird and Lauren Wheat Khan. More details coming soon!
Need to renew your membership? Want to donate?
In closing, we want to know:
Should Klickitat County be a Constitutional County?